Bosque County, Texas - Encourages Excellence in  Advanced Educational Opportunities. Visit and find your college or university of choice online today!


Click here to listen to West Texas A&M University's online radio.

University of Texas at Tyler

West Texas A&M University, Canyon
Texas A&M University College Station
Wylie College 

People that have graduated from college earn an average of 98% more income than people who did not complete college.  People who have completed a master's degree earn 170% more.  This gap is widening.

(Source: US Department of Commerce)


The State  of Texas is blessed with many excellent universities and colleges. Our listings of colleges and universities are not complete,  however our goal is solely to interest and inform those considering a choice for their advanced education.

Picture left Statue of Sam Houston on I 45 at Huntsville, Texas.



  REVISED: June 12, 2013.